Modify SUNKKO 737G From 120V to 240v Operation

When a couple of my Ryobi battery packs started to die I decided I wanted to replace the batteries inside of them instead of buying more Ryobi packs. To do this properly you really need a battery terminal spot welder so I went out looking for one. What you come to find out is that […]
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Arduino Inductance Testing

In yesterday’s post about the progress on my big switch mode supply I mentioned that I was going to try building an Arduino based inductance meter based on the basic and straight forward design from Shadi Soundation. I built the meter later in the evening. It seemed to work okay, but the numbers seemed odd when […]
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Tags: Arduino, DIY, Electronics, Inductor, LCR Meter, test equipment
Taulman Bridge 3D Printer Filament Review

I just received some Taulman Bridge Nylon 3D printer filament from this weekend and I’ve been printing just a few parts on it so far. Since I only have 1 pound of the material I am saving it for when I really need it, as opposed to PLA or ABS where I feel like I […]
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Tags: 3D Printer, 3D Printing, DIY, Photos, Taulman Bridge
High Density WS2812B Panel Project

The WS2812B RGB LED chip is a wonderful little device. It contains Red, Green and Blue LED elements and also a WS2811 RGB LED driver. The chip has only 4 pins. Power, Ground, Data In and Data Out and can easily be chained to another chip. With enough of these chips chained together your can […]
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Toaster Oven Reflow Controller Project

I had a project I was working on which needed to be reflow soldered because there were too many parts too close to each other to solder by hand. I needed to get a reflow controller up and running quickly. I made the little controller shown below by mixing a few easily available kits and […]
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Tags: Arduino, DIY, Electronics, Reflow Oven