Making Night Blades for R/C Helicopter

I’ve been thinking of making night blades for my R/C helicopter. Back in 2003 I made a set of wooden night blades for my Raptor 60 using RGB (Red-Green-Blue) LEDs and an Atmel AVR micro-controller to make them change colors and shift patterns. The blades were pretty simple but they worked. I even slapped together […]
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Tags: Arduino, Atmel, Electronics, Helicopter, led, mini-titan, Night Flying
The New Arduino Mega 2560

I was just looking at Twitter again, trying to decide if it was worthwhile to create an account or not and typed in ‘Arduino’ to the search box and found out that Arduino has release 2 new boards, the Ardunio Uno and the Ardunio Mega 2560. I checked out the specs and they both look […]
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Tags: Arduino, New Product
My Arduino AtmoLight/Ambilight Clone Project

I was researching a project online the other day when I came across a project on Blogspot about how to make your own Atmolight/Ambilight television type setup using an Arduino Duemilanove , a ShiftBrite Shield and ShiftBar modules from Macetech and some 12v LED RGB lighting strips. It was kind of amazing as I had […]
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Tags: Arduino, Electronics, Light Art, ShiftBrite, Video
Arduino Projects Have Slowed Me Down!
Sorry folks, I know I’ve been pretty slow to update the site, it’s just that I bought an Arduino Duemilanove development board , an Ethernet shield from sparkfun electronics and some MegaBrite, ShiftBrite and OctoBrite modules from MaceTech. I have some experience in programming the atmel Mega series of micro-controllers so it was pretty easy […]
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Tags: Arduino, Electronics, led, Light Art

Welcome to my Jon’s Hobbies blog site, this site used to belong to my HouseBlog, but since I’m quite heavily involved with radio controlled hobbies and electronics I decided to split most of these posts off into their own separate site which is or ‘the hob’ or some other cool modern name. You’ll see […]
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