Y-6? Why not!? My Custom Built Y-6 Multicopter

I have wanted to get into multicopter building and flying for a few years now but this year I finally took the dive and got into it pretty quickly. I did a lot of reading and shopping for which flight controller to purchase and while I would like to experiment with the open source software […]
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Tags: brushless, brushless motor, DIY, drone, Electronics, FPV, heli, Helicopter, Light Art, model aircraft, Radio Control, rc, Technology, Video
New 2.2kw Spindle Motor for CNC Router Arrived

I received the new 2.2KW spindle motor for my DIY CNC router today. It looks pretty nice so far. I was using a De-Walt handheld router for the spindle, but I wanted something that didn’t blow the dust and shavings all over the place. The spindle is one of the many available on eBay in […]
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Tags: brushless, brushless motor, CNC, DIY
Low Cost Digital Microscope

With some of my other projects I’m working with fairly small electronics components so I ordered a low-cost digital microscope off of eBay. I paid about $40 for a 0-500x digital microscope. It’s really 0-400x with ‘digital zoom’, a worthless feature but otherwise it’s a pretty cool tool and toy for what it is. The […]
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Tags: Arduino, camera, Digital Microscope, Electronics, led, Photography, Photos
Making Night Blades for R/C Helicopter

I’ve been thinking of making night blades for my R/C helicopter. Back in 2003 I made a set of wooden night blades for my Raptor 60 using RGB (Red-Green-Blue) LEDs and an Atmel AVR micro-controller to make them change colors and shift patterns. The blades were pretty simple but they worked. I even slapped together […]
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Tags: Arduino, Atmel, Electronics, Helicopter, led, mini-titan, Night Flying
OMG I Broke My Nexus One – Oooo parts already here!

Well, I went and did it. I broke my HTC Google Nexus One’s digitizer by accident and now I have to replace the digitizer. I’m not quite sure how it happened. Perhaps in my pocket with a flashlight, or one of the few times I dropped it working on a friends car but the digitizer […]
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Tags: Cell Phone, Electronics, Nexus One, Touch Screen