Prusa I3 Mk3S 3D Printer

I’ve been wanting to get a Prusa Mk3 for a while and the opportunity finally came around for me to be able to buy the kit version of the printer. I have my DIY OB 1.4 printer which I built from scratch back in 2013 but it always seems to be taken apart for some […]
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Tags: 3D Printer
Built a Skew Planar and Cloverleaf Antenna for my 900Mhz FPV Setup

I was flying in an industrial are the other day with my FPV setup and even when the picture was clear it would go all rainbow colored which was very distracting, additionally my range seemed to be shortened quite a bit. It looked something like the photo below which has been photoshopped since I wasn’t […]
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Tags: Antenna, Electronics, FPV, multicopter, Radio Control, rc, Technology
3D Printed Landing Gear and Camera Mount for my DJI F550

Several weeks ago I ordered a new Naza-M V2 for my DJI F550 Flame Wheel multicopter. I originally had the DJI Wookong-M controller but had to sell that. The Naza v2 has all of the stability of that more expensive model and works great. Another feature I wanted to add was a brushless stabilized camera […]
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Tags: 3D Printer, camera, DIY, drone, FPV, model, model aircraft, multicopter, Photography, Radio Control, rc, Video
New Multicopter FPV Flight Video

I shot another more interesting multicopter FPV flight this evening. My buddy Ollie shot the video from the handycam and was my backup pilot and spotter and I flew the camera on my Y-6 hexacopter. On my previous flight, which was my first time flying a multicopter via FPV, I just lazily strolled around because […]
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Tags: brushless, brushless motor, camera, DIY, drone, FPV, model, model aircraft, multicopter, Radio Control, rc, Technology, Video
Multicopter FPV

I just did my first flight with my Multicopter FPV setup and it was AWESOME! I’ve flown planes and gliders via FPV before, but one of the main reasons for building my Multicopter was to do FPV. My final goal is to attach a stabilized DSLR onto my multicopter rig and shoot some high quality […]
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Tags: Arduino, brushless, brushless motor, camera, CNC, DIY, drone, Electronics, FPV, multicopter, Photos, Radio Control, Video