Spirit 100 Glider FPV Conversion Progress – New Canopy

Last week I test flew the glider. As you can see in the previous post “FPV Spirit 100 Inch Brushless Powered Glider Test Flights“, it flew pretty good. The glider weighed in at 1990 grams with the radio, speed controller, motor, motor mast and battery (and other associated equipment). I had to add 136 grams […]
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Tags: FPV, glider, Plane, Radio Control, Spirit
Great Planes Spirit 100 Inch Glider With Power Pod

Well, the new glider destined for FPV (First Person View) flight is ready. I built a power-pod, and as you can see in the new video. The power-pod is based on the ElectriFly 35-36-1200kv Rimfire brushless motor that I had on the Great Planes Reactor Biplane. I built the power-pod out of some 3/8″ light […]
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Tags: FPV, Radio Control, rc, Video
I wrecked the Reactor Bipe, Time For a New (used) FPV Plane

I managed to smash up my FPV (First Person View) plane, the Reactor Biplane a couple of weeks ago. I had just remounted the motor after I broke the mount on a previous FPV Flight(Video (new window)). So once I had the motor remounted I went to test fly the airplane. I didn’t want to […]
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My First FPV Flights!

As of last weekend I have made my first FPV flights. It was really amazing, big grins all around and well worth the time and effort. Video below! This weekend was the first time I was able to fly in First-Person-View, also known as FPV. The basic premise if you haven’t read my other posts […]
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Tags: biplane, FPV, Radio Control, rc
Reactor Biplane with FPV Hardware Flys

After going through a few different planes trying to find one that would be suitable for FPV (First Person View) flying I think I’ve finally settled on one. After the crash of the Reactor Bpe which tore the wing off and ripped the fuselage in half, I collected all the little bits and rebuilt it. […]
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