My Blade mSR Micro Helicopter Review

While we were at the NEAT fair Bryn picked up an E-flite Blade mSR on my suggestion to hopefully help him learn some helicopter flying skills. Since I have it on hand I wanted to share my review of it with my readers. I had flown the Blade mSR helicopter a couple of times before. […]
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Tags: Blade mSR, E-flite, Nano Helicopter, Radio Control, Ultra-Micro Helicopter
Crashed the Thunder Tiger Mini-Titan e325, Here’s What Broke

Well I did it again and put the Mini Titan e325 into the ground on Saturday doing a fair amount of damage, more than I usually do anyways. I just wanted to share what happened and what it costs to fix a small helicopter. If this had been a larger size model helicopter the repair […]
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Tags: crash, e325, Helicopter, mini-titan, Radio Control, Thunder Tiger
Mowed the Lawns and Flew the Mini-Titan 450

I mowed the lawn and got a couple flights in with the Thunder Tiger Mini-Titan helicopter. It’s a great little heli, though there’s not a lot of room in the yard, yet, to get really crazy with it, I just buzz around over the back yard. There’s an R/C club a few miles away I […]
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Tags: e325, Helicopter, Lawn, mini-titan, mow, seed, Thunder Tiger, Topsoil, wild violet