Large Switched DC Power Supply For Argon Laser Project Log 1

I’m in need of a large DC power supply for an argon laser and other projects. Argon lasers require tons of DC power to produce minimal amounts of output power, thus the power supply needs to be pretty beefy and durable. I also like building things and having projects to work on to help keep […]
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Tags: argon, Electronics, Energy, high voltage, laser, mosfet, Power Supply, pwm
Web Based Circuit Simulation

I’ve been working on a project lately which involves building a large switch mode power supply in the range of 220 volts at 35 amps. Because components are expensive at those power levels I decided to go searching for a simulator that was easy to get started with, offered the basic components I needed and […]
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Tags: capacitors, DC power, Electronics, Energy, filtering, laser, simulation, spice, switch mode power supply
Some Big IGBTs

Last week I was out shopping at one of my electronic resources and came across some big Mitsubishi CM200DY-12H 600 Volts 200 Amp IGBTs. I bought two pairs of them for my future projects. Below is a picture of a pair of them on the nicely machined heatsink. The overall length of the heatsink is about […]
Continue Reading Some Big IGBTs
Tags: Copper Vapor, DIY, Electronics, Energy, IGBT, laser, Power Supply, Welding
DIY Copper Vapor Laser

This copper vapor laser project of mine has dragged on a bit but I’m pressing forward. I have wanted to build a copper vapor laser for a while but never seemed to get the drive to work on laser projects. I’ve been feeling interested in this project again so I’ve resolved to put my nose […]
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Tags: Copper Vapor, Custom Project, Electronics, Energy, HaD Featured, high voltage, laser
Another Silly Quest – Dynamic Balancing

I really want to get the best results out of my Y-6 Multicopter camera platform and I know a big part of that is reducing motor/prop vibrations in the airframe. I’m looking into a dynamic balancer for the purpose because even with static balancing there are still vibes. The system is not running smoothly and […]
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Tags: brushless motor, DIY, drone, Electronics, multicopter, outrunner brushless motor, Radio Control, rc, Technology