Reactor Biplane, Copper Vapor Laser and ‘The Sidewalk Project’

Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve updated the blog, sorry for the long delay I have been extremely busy with work and non computer related hobbies. It’s incredible how the time flies. We’ve been working on digging the trench for the sidewalk, the soil is tough to dig in and is taking some time, […]
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Upgraded Thunder Tiger Mini-Titan RC Helicopter and Eagle Tree Flight Data Recorder Results

I recorded the pack current and volts on my Thunder Tiger Mini Titan / ACE Mini-Titan R/C Helicopter using an Eagle Tree flight data recorder V3 with my new setup. I had some awesome flights with flips and rolls and high G-force turns mixed in while flying with Ollie on Saturday. My new setup for […]
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Tags: e325, Helicopter, mini-titan, Radio Control, rc
Finally Decent Flips and Rolls on the Thunder Tiger Mini-Titan

I went out with my flying buddy and friend Ollie tonight to a real open field and was able to fly the Thunder Tiger Mini-Titan with all the upgrades. The Scorpion -8 motor, the new speed controller, the metal / aluminum control arms, and the green paddles. The first flight was just getting used to […]
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Tags: Helicopter, mini-titan, Radio Control, rc
Some Thoughts On Recording Aerial Video with a Small RC Helicopter

Before I put the Sony DSC-H10 on my Thunder Tiger Mini-Titan model helicopter I didn’t even bother to look up it’s weight but I knew it was hefty. I was just searching for some lighter cameras today and looked up the DSC-H10. It turns out the Sony weighs in at 13.4 ounces w/battery. That’s about […]
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Tags: Helicopter, mini-titan, Photography, Radio Control, Video
How I Made an Affordable and Fun Aerial Helicam with My Thunder Tiger Mini-Titan

I was sitting here at home today, upset that another thunderstorm thwarted our lawn mowing efforts by drenching the lawn which would surely take the rest of the day to dry before I could mow it. Well, you know, it wasn’t quite dry enough to mow, but there really wasn’t much else going on. As […]
Continue Reading How I Made an Affordable and Fun Aerial Helicam with My Thunder Tiger Mini-Titan
Tags: ace, camera, Helicopter, mini-titan, rc, Video