Large Switched DC Power Supply For Argon Laser Project Log 3

If you’ve been following along in my previous post on my Large Switched DC Power Supply (Log 1, Log 2) then you know what has gone on with the project so far. Progress on the argon laser DC power supply is slowly advancing, any good project can take a while when working under budget and […]
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Tags: Electronics, Energy, high voltage, laser, Power Supply, science, switch mode power supply, Technology
Large Switched DC Power Supply For Argon Laser Project Log 2

Things have been moving along pretty well with my giant switch mode power supply project since Project Log 1. I sold a bunch of surplus items I’ve had sitting around in order to buy a bunch of the components I needed for the build, but there’s still a lot more I need. This selling is […]
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Tags: Electronics, Energy, high voltage, Kicad, laser, pcbnew, science, Technology
Large Switched DC Power Supply For Argon Laser Project Log 1

I’m in need of a large DC power supply for an argon laser and other projects. Argon lasers require tons of DC power to produce minimal amounts of output power, thus the power supply needs to be pretty beefy and durable. I also like building things and having projects to work on to help keep […]
Continue Reading Large Switched DC Power Supply For Argon Laser Project Log 1
Tags: argon, Electronics, Energy, high voltage, laser, mosfet, Power Supply, pwm
Taulman Bridge 3D Printer Filament Water Sensitivity

I’ve been running some test prints with my Taulman Bridge filament. As you might remember from my previous post the Taulman Bridge filament is very strong and difficult to break or delaminate. A couple of the parts I printed accidentally went through the washing machine, when they came out I noticed that they seemed to have […]
Continue Reading Taulman Bridge 3D Printer Filament Water Sensitivity
Tags: 3D Printing, Filament, Nylon, Taulman Bridge
Web Based Circuit Simulation

I’ve been working on a project lately which involves building a large switch mode power supply in the range of 220 volts at 35 amps. Because components are expensive at those power levels I decided to go searching for a simulator that was easy to get started with, offered the basic components I needed and […]
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Tags: capacitors, DC power, Electronics, Energy, filtering, laser, simulation, spice, switch mode power supply