Taulman Bridge 3D Printer Filament Review

I just received some Taulman Bridge Nylon 3D printer filament from extrudables.us this weekend and I’ve been printing just a few parts on it so far. Since I only have 1 pound of the material I am saving it for when I really need it, as opposed to PLA or ABS where I feel like I […]
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Tags: 3D Printer, 3D Printing, DIY, Photos, Taulman Bridge
Some Big IGBTs

Last week I was out shopping at one of my electronic resources and came across some big Mitsubishi CM200DY-12H 600 Volts 200 Amp IGBTs. I bought two pairs of them for my future projects. Below is a picture of a pair of them on the nicely machined heatsink. The overall length of the heatsink is about […]
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Tags: Copper Vapor, DIY, Electronics, Energy, IGBT, laser, Power Supply, Welding
Rebuild of a Powerstat 136-2 Dual Gang Autotransformer

I came across a Powerstat 136b dual gang autotransformer / variac the other day at the surplus shop. These are rated at 120V @ 22 Amps per section. It was in pretty sad shape and needed a lot of rework, but autotransformers are pretty handy pieces of equipment and it’s a real shame to leave […]
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Tags: Autotransformer, Electronics, Energy, high voltage, Powerstat, Repair, Transformer, Variac, Video
Repairing Turnigy X900 Tricopter – Motor Mounts

I’ve been working on a tricopter using a Turnigy X900 frame for some FPV fun-flying this year and having some fun putting that together. Unfortunately I had a bad motor and during my first test I damaged one of the fiberglass motor mounts beyond actual repair. I could (and still may) have made a home […]
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Tags: CNC, DIY, model, model aircraft, multicopter, outrunner brushless motor, Technology, Turnigy, Video, X900
New Development Toy

I just picked up a new development toy, the Teensy 3.1. This thing looks pretty awesome, and it’s compatible with the Arduino 1.0.5 IDE which is great for me. The Teensy 3.1 has a lot of great features that lends itself to being used in my projects. Just the pinout on the device shows that […]
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Tags: Arduino, ARM, DJI, Electronics, led, multicopter, Naza V2, Teensy