Troubleshooting My QU-BD Extruder Head Jams

I’m at the end of a second week of troubleshooting my QU-BD extruder head jams for my CNC to 3D printer conversion and I’ve had a lot of headaches and annoyances with constant filament jams where the filament would stop moving and the stepper motor would either stall, or the drive gear would strip out […]
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Tags: 3D Printer, 3D Printing, CNC, Mach3, PLA, QU-BD
Convert a CNC Router to a 3D Printer

I didn’t have a ‘large project’ budget for 2013 so I decided that I would do something a bit more low key and convert a CNC router to a 3D Printer. I have been looking at 3D printers over the last few years. They looked kind of cool, but the quality on most filament 3D […]
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Tags: 3D Printing, CNC to 3D, HaD Featured, Technology
TEC Cloud Chamber Project

I got it in my head that I wanted to build a TEC (thermo-electric cooler aka Peltier coolers) cooled cloud chamber. Cloud chambers allow you to view radioactive particles as they shoot through a supersaturated alcohol vapor. The radioactive particles act as nucleation points in the saturated atmosphere causing the vapor to condense into small […]
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Tags: Electronics, Energy, radiation, science
New Multicopter FPV Flight Video

I shot another more interesting multicopter FPV flight this evening. My buddy Ollie shot the video from the handycam and was my backup pilot and spotter and I flew the camera on my Y-6 hexacopter. On my previous flight, which was my first time flying a multicopter via FPV, I just lazily strolled around because […]
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Tags: brushless, brushless motor, camera, DIY, drone, FPV, model, model aircraft, multicopter, Radio Control, rc, Technology, Video
Multicopter FPV

I just did my first flight with my Multicopter FPV setup and it was AWESOME! I’ve flown planes and gliders via FPV before, but one of the main reasons for building my Multicopter was to do FPV. My final goal is to attach a stabilized DSLR onto my multicopter rig and shoot some high quality […]
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Tags: Arduino, brushless, brushless motor, camera, CNC, DIY, drone, Electronics, FPV, multicopter, Photos, Radio Control, Video