FPV Plane Test 1 – Radio Controlled Catalina by Guan Li

I’ve been trying to find a plane to use for FPV R/C flying (First Person View) that is not among the ‘standards’ used by many people such as the Multiplex Twinstar or EasyStar. I have ordered ordered a few planes and I’ll cover them one by one as I get each one flyable and tested. […]
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Fun R/C FPV Video – Small Plane Chases Eurofighter
Hey folks, I just wanted to share a fun flying video I found while sitting at home with ANOTHER wicked cold in as many months. This video is of a turbine powered Eurofighter model being chased by a FunJet with a FPV (First Person View) video down-link so the pilot can fly it like he’s […]
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Tags: FPV, Plane, Radio Control, rc, Video
R/C Flying on a Cold Sunday in December

I was sitting at my computer yesterday after Saturday’s snowfall, enjoying a nice day in the warm indoors when my buddy Ollie called to see if I wanted to go flying. I started off with ‘I’ve been flying every weekend and thought I might take one off since it’s so cold outside’. The conversation ended […]
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Tags: December, Helicopter, Plane, Radio Control, rc, Video, Winter
Reactor Bipe EP, Sky Fly 2, Hangar 9 Twist 60 (With Saito 1.15) (video)

My friend Bryn and I went out flying on Saturday and had a lot of fun. My local flying field was closed for hunting so we went down to my old field which is about an hour away. We took a few planes with us. The Great Planes Reactor Biplane, the hangar 9 Twist 60 […]
Continue Reading Reactor Bipe EP, Sky Fly 2, Hangar 9 Twist 60 (With Saito 1.15) (video)
Tags: biplane, November, Radio Control, rc, Sky Fly 2, twist 60, Winter
Radio Control Hangar 9 Twist 60 Construction and First Flight With Saito 1.15

Hobby Shops First at the top of the list is the Twist 60. I went to semi-local hobby shop in Massachusetts which is about an hour each way. I went for a mini-heli pitch gauge, but ended up buying a Hanagar 9 Twist 60 and a Saito 1.15 4-stroke nitro engine, whoops, on rare occasions […]
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Tags: Plane, Radio Control, rc, saito, sidewalk, stairs, twist 60