Building a 3D Printer for a Friend

Partway through building my own 3D Printer my friend Addidis no (Google+) expressed interest in having his own so I offered to put a hardware kit together for him as long as he covered the material costs and thus began the process of cloning my OB1.4 3D printer (designed by Wired1 on Thingiverse) in black […]
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Tags: 3D Printer, Anodizing, CNC, Custom Build, DIY, science, Technology, Video
Anodizing Aluminum with Rit Dye

I wanted to learn how to anodize aluminum but the only dyes I could get a hold of on short notice were RIT dyes. To anodize I needed a tank of sulfuric acid / water mixed. With my setup I was using a 5 gallon bucket with a 14:1 water to sulfuric acid ratio. Sulfuric […]
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