3D Printed Landing Gear and Camera Mount for my DJI F550

Several weeks ago I ordered a new Naza-M V2 for my DJI F550 Flame Wheel multicopter. I originally had the DJI Wookong-M controller but had to sell that. The Naza v2 has all of the stability of that more expensive model and works great. Another feature I wanted to add was a brushless stabilized camera […]
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Tags: 3D Printer, camera, DIY, drone, FPV, model, model aircraft, multicopter, Photography, Radio Control, rc, Video
New Multicopter FPV Flight Video

I shot another more interesting multicopter FPV flight this evening. My buddy Ollie shot the video from the handycam and was my backup pilot and spotter and I flew the camera on my Y-6 hexacopter. On my previous flight, which was my first time flying a multicopter via FPV, I just lazily strolled around because […]
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Tags: brushless, brushless motor, camera, DIY, drone, FPV, model, model aircraft, multicopter, Radio Control, rc, Technology, Video
Multicopter FPV

I just did my first flight with my Multicopter FPV setup and it was AWESOME! I’ve flown planes and gliders via FPV before, but one of the main reasons for building my Multicopter was to do FPV. My final goal is to attach a stabilized DSLR onto my multicopter rig and shoot some high quality […]
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Tags: Arduino, brushless, brushless motor, camera, CNC, DIY, drone, Electronics, FPV, multicopter, Photos, Radio Control, Video
FPV Rig, Friend Flying FPV the First Time and Chasing Other Planes with FPV

This weekend has had beautiful weather so I pulled out the FPV rig for a couple of days to get some flying in. On Saturday I was down at our big field and set up the FPV and let quite a few other guys look through it while I flew. I let my friend Ollie […]
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Low Cost Digital Microscope

With some of my other projects I’m working with fairly small electronics components so I ordered a low-cost digital microscope off of eBay. I paid about $40 for a 0-500x digital microscope. It’s really 0-400x with ‘digital zoom’, a worthless feature but otherwise it’s a pretty cool tool and toy for what it is. The […]
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Tags: Arduino, camera, Digital Microscope, Electronics, led, Photography, Photos