Large Switched DC Power Supply For Argon Laser Log 5 – Cabinet

Work continues on the cabinet for the large switch mode power suppy (SMPS) for the big argon laser I’m working on. In the last couple of weeks since my last post I’ve done a lot of work in getting the old HP cabinet cleaned up, painted and new equipment installed. This is a mega-update for […]
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Tags: CNC, DIY, Eastwood, Energy, Frozen CPU, high voltage, laser, Newark, science, switch mode power supply, Technology
Flite Test’s Bloody Wonder V2

I’ve recently started following Flite Test on YouTube and enjoy quite a few of their videos, their Dollar Tree based foam plane plans looked cheap and fun which is always a great combination. One plane which looked like a lot of fun was their Bloody Wonder V2 which they released the flight test, build video […]
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Tags: Bloody Wonder, brushless, CNC, DIY, FliteTest, Foamy, model aircraft, Radio Control, rc, RC Combat, Video
First Attempts at CNC Sign Making

I’ve had my home built CNC router machine for a couple of years now, but one thing I’ve not really done with it is to create a sign. It seems like an obvious thing, but I’ve always been more interested in making mechanical parts. I was down at the flying field the other day and […]
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Repairing Turnigy X900 Tricopter – Motor Mounts

I’ve been working on a tricopter using a Turnigy X900 frame for some FPV fun-flying this year and having some fun putting that together. Unfortunately I had a bad motor and during my first test I damaged one of the fiberglass motor mounts beyond actual repair. I could (and still may) have made a home […]
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Tags: CNC, DIY, model, model aircraft, multicopter, outrunner brushless motor, Technology, Turnigy, Video, X900
Building a 3D Printer for a Friend

Partway through building my own 3D Printer my friend Addidis no (Google+) expressed interest in having his own so I offered to put a hardware kit together for him as long as he covered the material costs and thus began the process of cloning my OB1.4 3D printer (designed by Wired1 on Thingiverse) in black […]
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Tags: 3D Printer, Anodizing, CNC, Custom Build, DIY, science, Technology, Video