Part 10 : DIY CNC : Great Progress

I’ve made some good progress with the DIY Router project this last weekend. In my last update on May 4, 2011 you could see that I was working on getting the uprights mounted. Since then I’ve drilled and mounted the plates to hold the Y-axis cross beams (seen in the photos as the black plates […]
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Part 9 : DIY CNC : Y-Axis Construction 2

Assembly of the CNC Machine has been a bit slow. Most recently I mount the NHK linear rails to the table frame for movement along the X-axis of the router, mounted the linear blocks which attach to the linear cars and tie them together, and mounted the uprights for the Y-axis and temporarily placed the […]
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Part 8: DIY CNC : Y-Axis Construction

For my first DIY CNC Router made from aluminum extrusion I have begun on the Y-axis construction. If you’ve read the previous parts then you’ll know he progress up to this point, and progressing onto the construction of this particular component is another huge step forward. I assembled some of the components for Y-axis for […]
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Part 7: DIY CNC : Argh Precision Linear Guides!

Well, I knew this part was coming and it’s been a LOT of work to work on. So far I’ve built up the main base frame of the DIY CNC Router. Right now I’m to the point where I have to add the linear guide blocks to the main base frame for the gantry section […]
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Part 6: First DIY CNC Project – Changes & Progress in Assembly

I have slightly changed the design of the CNC Router table once again, as I mentioned briefly in my previous post and I think it was a really good idea. I was browsing cnczone for 3-axis CNC routers built out of extruded aluminum (such as the Bosch or 80/20) and saw a nice 80/20 CNC […]
Continue Reading Part 6: First DIY CNC Project – Changes & Progress in Assembly
Tags: CNC