Large Switched DC Power Supply For Argon Laser Log 5 – Cabinet

Work continues on the cabinet for the large switch mode power suppy (SMPS) for the big argon laser I’m working on. In the last couple of weeks since my last post I’ve done a lot of work in getting the old HP cabinet cleaned up, painted and new equipment installed. This is a mega-update for […]
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Tags: CNC, DIY, Eastwood, Energy, Frozen CPU, high voltage, laser, Newark, science, switch mode power supply, Technology
Large Switched DC Power Supply For Argon Laser Project Log 5 Sneak Peak

Log 5 isn’t ready for posting yet, but a lot of stuff has gone on in the past couple of weeks. I wanted to give a quick sneak peak of the front panel though because it’s looking pretty good for the most part. In the panel are two LCD volt and amp meters which I bought […]
Continue Reading Large Switched DC Power Supply For Argon Laser Project Log 5 Sneak Peak
Tags: argon, black potentiometer dials, DIY, Electronics, Energy, high voltage, laser, LEDs, Power Supply, switch mode, Technology, vandal switches, vishay-spectrol
Arduino Inductance Testing

In yesterday’s post about the progress on my big switch mode supply I mentioned that I was going to try building an Arduino based inductance meter based on the basic and straight forward design from Shadi Soundation. I built the meter later in the evening. It seemed to work okay, but the numbers seemed odd when […]
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Tags: Arduino, DIY, Electronics, Inductor, LCR Meter, test equipment
Taulman Bridge 3D Printer Filament Review

I just received some Taulman Bridge Nylon 3D printer filament from this weekend and I’ve been printing just a few parts on it so far. Since I only have 1 pound of the material I am saving it for when I really need it, as opposed to PLA or ABS where I feel like I […]
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Tags: 3D Printer, 3D Printing, DIY, Photos, Taulman Bridge
Some Big IGBTs

Last week I was out shopping at one of my electronic resources and came across some big Mitsubishi CM200DY-12H 600 Volts 200 Amp IGBTs. I bought two pairs of them for my future projects. Below is a picture of a pair of them on the nicely machined heatsink. The overall length of the heatsink is about […]
Continue Reading Some Big IGBTs
Tags: Copper Vapor, DIY, Electronics, Energy, IGBT, laser, Power Supply, Welding