Crashed the Thunder Tiger Mini-Titan e325, Here’s What Broke

Well I did it again and put the Mini Titan e325 into the ground on Saturday doing a fair amount of damage, more than I usually do anyways. I just wanted to share what happened and what it costs to fix a small helicopter. If this had been a larger size model helicopter the repair […]
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Tags: crash, e325, Helicopter, mini-titan, Radio Control, Thunder Tiger
Analyzing Your Radio Controlled Helicopters Current Consumption

I’ve been flying quite a bit and not paying much attention to the load I’ve been putting on my speed controller. Today I plugged my CC50 ICE into the computer via the Castle Link to check out my last few flights on my Thunder Tiger Mini-Titan e325. I was quite surprised as most of my […]
Continue Reading Analyzing Your Radio Controlled Helicopters Current Consumption
Tags: e325, Electronics, heli, Helicopter, mini-titan, Radio Control, rc
First Inverted Hover Attempts on My Thunder Tiger Mini-Titan Heli

Yesterday I began the process of learning to hover my RC helicopter inverted and made a video of the good parts of the 4 flights. I’ve been getting a lot more flying in lately with my Thunder Tiger Mini-Titan e325. About a month ago I was flying a bit late and lost orientation and crashed […]
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Tags: e325, Helicopter, Radio Control, rc, Video
Upgraded Thunder Tiger Mini-Titan RC Helicopter and Eagle Tree Flight Data Recorder Results

I recorded the pack current and volts on my Thunder Tiger Mini Titan / ACE Mini-Titan R/C Helicopter using an Eagle Tree flight data recorder V3 with my new setup. I had some awesome flights with flips and rolls and high G-force turns mixed in while flying with Ollie on Saturday. My new setup for […]
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Tags: e325, Helicopter, mini-titan, Radio Control, rc
Thunder Tiger Mini-Titan Helicopter e325 Upgrades with Phoenix 45 and Scorpion HK-2221-8

I completed the upgrades to my Mini-Titan e325 radio controlled helicopter this week, they came in on Wednesday and I had them done and/or installed by Thursday. The parts I ordered can be seen in this previous post “I’ve Ordered Some Upgrade Parts for the Thunder Tiger Mini-Titan e325 Helicopter” The HK-2221-8 from Scorpion Motors […]
Continue Reading Thunder Tiger Mini-Titan Helicopter e325 Upgrades with Phoenix 45 and Scorpion HK-2221-8
Tags: e325, Helicopter, mini-titan, model, Radio Control, rc, Thunder Tiger