DIY Printed Circuit Board With Solder Mask – Part 1

I’ve been working on a project and needed a prototype printed circuit board to get the project looking a little more finished and less of a mess of wires on a prototyping board. I decided to use the photo sensitive method for the PCB as well as for the solder mask with reasonable results. I […]
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Tags: Cadsoft Eagle, Electronics, Fabrication, Kicad, PCB, Printed Circuit Board, Ultra Violet
GE Link LED Light and Wink HUB Teardown

Last week I saw that Home Depot was running a deal on the new GE Link LED lights and a Wink hub which can control them. The deal was that if you buy 2 of the GE Link LED lights, you can buy the Wink home automation HUB for $20, instead of the normal $50 […]
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Tags: Electronics, Internet of Things, led, Lighting, teardown
Transcend StoreJet 1TB Teardown and Backing Up Your Large Hard Drives

I used to make a clone image of my HDD about once a week. I run RAID 0 striped drives in my system for speed (old SATA II drives and system, so speed for me is 450MB/s in the buffered read test) so there’s no redundancy like you might have in a RAID 1 mirrored configuration. […]
Continue Reading Transcend StoreJet 1TB Teardown and Backing Up Your Large Hard Drives
Tags: backup, clone, Electronics, hard drive, PCs and Computers, Samsung, SATA, Seagate, teardown, Transcend, USB
Large Switched DC Power Supply For Argon Laser Project Log 5 Sneak Peak

Log 5 isn’t ready for posting yet, but a lot of stuff has gone on in the past couple of weeks. I wanted to give a quick sneak peak of the front panel though because it’s looking pretty good for the most part. In the panel are two LCD volt and amp meters which I bought […]
Continue Reading Large Switched DC Power Supply For Argon Laser Project Log 5 Sneak Peak
Tags: argon, black potentiometer dials, DIY, Electronics, Energy, high voltage, laser, LEDs, Power Supply, switch mode, Technology, vandal switches, vishay-spectrol
Large Switched DC Power Supply For Argon Laser Project Log 4

Wow, things have been going pretty good with this SMPS project. A lot of things are moving forward. I picked up a cabinet that I can use to house the power supply. I also received the 3 printed circuit board designs back from OSH Park this week and started building the PWM controller, drivers and primary […]
Continue Reading Large Switched DC Power Supply For Argon Laser Project Log 4
Tags: Electronics, Energy, high voltage, laser, Power Supply, science, switch mode power supply, Technology