Some Big IGBTs

Last week I was out shopping at one of my electronic resources and came across some big Mitsubishi CM200DY-12H 600 Volts 200 Amp IGBTs. I bought two pairs of them for my future projects. Below is a picture of a pair of them on the nicely machined heatsink. The overall length of the heatsink is about […]
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Tags: Copper Vapor, DIY, Electronics, Energy, IGBT, laser, Power Supply, Welding
Rebuild of a Powerstat 136-2 Dual Gang Autotransformer

I came across a Powerstat 136b dual gang autotransformer / variac the other day at the surplus shop. These are rated at 120V @ 22 Amps per section. It was in pretty sad shape and needed a lot of rework, but autotransformers are pretty handy pieces of equipment and it’s a real shame to leave […]
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Tags: Autotransformer, Electronics, Energy, high voltage, Powerstat, Repair, Transformer, Variac, Video
Built a Skew Planar and Cloverleaf Antenna for my 900Mhz FPV Setup

I was flying in an industrial are the other day with my FPV setup and even when the picture was clear it would go all rainbow colored which was very distracting, additionally my range seemed to be shortened quite a bit. It looked something like the photo below which has been photoshopped since I wasn’t […]
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Tags: Antenna, Electronics, FPV, multicopter, Radio Control, rc, Technology
High Density WS2812B Panel Project

The WS2812B RGB LED chip is a wonderful little device. It contains Red, Green and Blue LED elements and also a WS2811 RGB LED driver. The chip has only 4 pins. Power, Ground, Data In and Data Out and can easily be chained to another chip. With enough of these chips chained together your can […]
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Toaster Oven Reflow Controller Project

I had a project I was working on which needed to be reflow soldered because there were too many parts too close to each other to solder by hand. I needed to get a reflow controller up and running quickly. I made the little controller shown below by mixing a few easily available kits and […]
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Tags: Arduino, DIY, Electronics, Reflow Oven