TEC Cloud Chamber Project

I got it in my head that I wanted to build a TEC (thermo-electric cooler aka Peltier coolers) cooled cloud chamber. Cloud chambers allow you to view radioactive particles as they shoot through a supersaturated alcohol vapor. The radioactive particles act as nucleation points in the saturated atmosphere causing the vapor to condense into small […]
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Tags: Electronics, Energy, radiation, science
DIY Copper Vapor Laser

This copper vapor laser project of mine has dragged on a bit but I’m pressing forward. I have wanted to build a copper vapor laser for a while but never seemed to get the drive to work on laser projects. I’ve been feeling interested in this project again so I’ve resolved to put my nose […]
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Tags: Copper Vapor, Custom Project, Electronics, Energy, HaD Featured, high voltage, laser
Multicopter FPV

I just did my first flight with my Multicopter FPV setup and it was AWESOME! I’ve flown planes and gliders via FPV before, but one of the main reasons for building my Multicopter was to do FPV. My final goal is to attach a stabilized DSLR onto my multicopter rig and shoot some high quality […]
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Tags: Arduino, brushless, brushless motor, camera, CNC, DIY, drone, Electronics, FPV, multicopter, Photos, Radio Control, Video
Another Silly Quest – Dynamic Balancing

I really want to get the best results out of my Y-6 Multicopter camera platform and I know a big part of that is reducing motor/prop vibrations in the airframe. I’m looking into a dynamic balancer for the purpose because even with static balancing there are still vibes. The system is not running smoothly and […]
Continue Reading Another Silly Quest – Dynamic Balancing
Tags: brushless motor, DIY, drone, Electronics, multicopter, outrunner brushless motor, Radio Control, rc, Technology
Y-6? Why not!? My Custom Built Y-6 Multicopter

I have wanted to get into multicopter building and flying for a few years now but this year I finally took the dive and got into it pretty quickly. I did a lot of reading and shopping for which flight controller to purchase and while I would like to experiment with the open source software […]
Continue Reading Y-6? Why not!? My Custom Built Y-6 Multicopter
Tags: brushless, brushless motor, DIY, drone, Electronics, FPV, heli, Helicopter, Light Art, model aircraft, Radio Control, rc, Technology, Video