Some Explosive High Voltage Capacitor Discharge Videos

I grabbed up some of my high voltage videos from my laser site and compiled them into a compilation for you to view. A quick description of the capacitor discharge setup follows. Power Source: 15kV 30mA Neon Sign Transformer using a full wave bridge rectifier. Each stage was built of 30 1n4007 diodes wired in […]
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Tags: Electronics, Explosives, high voltage
Crazy People With Explosives

This is just amazing, I can’t believe what people get up to sometimes. And I’m a little bit jealous as well, to be honest, if I made so much as a small bang around here I’d probably end up in Gitmo / Gitmo II. Anyways, check this crazy video out. If you’ve seen it before, […]
Continue Reading Crazy People With Explosives
Tags: Explosives, Fun, Sledge Hammer