Mini-Titan e325 Night Flying LED Lights Setup Progress

I am working to convert my ACE Mini-Titan e325 to a night-flying setup. Since Winter is on the way, the only time I’ll be able to fly is later on in the day when the sun is low, or gone, so this is a perfect excuse to play with LED lights. LED Technology had come […]
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Tags: Electronics, Helicopter, led, LEDs, mini-titan, Night Flying, Soldering
Luxeon Star V 5-Watt Royal Blue LED Video Demo

I’m a big fan of LED lighting which is why when I ordered a bunch of parts from SparkFun the other day I ordered a 5 watt Royal Blue LED by Luxeon. These 1 Watt Luxeon LEDs are discontinued and brighter stuff is available now. Up to 100 Watts or more! This LED is quite […]
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Arduino Projects Have Slowed Me Down!
Sorry folks, I know I’ve been pretty slow to update the site, it’s just that I bought an Arduino Duemilanove development board , an Ethernet shield from sparkfun electronics and some MegaBrite, ShiftBrite and OctoBrite modules from MaceTech. I have some experience in programming the atmel Mega series of micro-controllers so it was pretty easy […]
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Tags: Arduino, Electronics, led, Light Art
Long Exposure / Light Art Fun and Yellow-Orange Iris’

A few orange Iris’ spawned on the road edge by the highway, they’re pretty nice looking as well. Additionally some more blue and white ones have shown up, and look exactly like the ones shown earlier this month. We had some timed exposure fun tonight out in the yard. I’m surprised one of us wasn’t […]
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Tags: fireworks, flashlight, flowers, laser, led, Light Art, Photography, time delay