Saugerties, NY 4th of July Fireworks Photos 2012

I hope everyone had a great 4th of July and were able to enjoy the pretty nice (albeit hot!) weather. The Fourth of July in Saugerties, NY (2012) was punctuated with another great fireworks show at Cantine Field. I was there with my friend and we managed to get a good location to shoot the […]
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Tags: fireworks, Light Art, Photography, Photos
Y-6? Why not!? My Custom Built Y-6 Multicopter

I have wanted to get into multicopter building and flying for a few years now but this year I finally took the dive and got into it pretty quickly. I did a lot of reading and shopping for which flight controller to purchase and while I would like to experiment with the open source software […]
Continue Reading Y-6? Why not!? My Custom Built Y-6 Multicopter
Tags: brushless, brushless motor, DIY, drone, Electronics, FPV, heli, Helicopter, Light Art, model aircraft, Radio Control, rc, Technology, Video
My Arduino AtmoLight/Ambilight Clone Project

I was researching a project online the other day when I came across a project on Blogspot about how to make your own Atmolight/Ambilight television type setup using an Arduino Duemilanove , a ShiftBrite Shield and ShiftBar modules from Macetech and some 12v LED RGB lighting strips. It was kind of amazing as I had […]
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Tags: Arduino, Electronics, Light Art, ShiftBrite, Video
Reactor Biplane, Copper Vapor Laser and ‘The Sidewalk Project’

Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve updated the blog, sorry for the long delay I have been extremely busy with work and non computer related hobbies. It’s incredible how the time flies. We’ve been working on digging the trench for the sidewalk, the soil is tough to dig in and is taking some time, […]
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Arduino Projects Have Slowed Me Down!
Sorry folks, I know I’ve been pretty slow to update the site, it’s just that I bought an Arduino Duemilanove development board , an Ethernet shield from sparkfun electronics and some MegaBrite, ShiftBrite and OctoBrite modules from MaceTech. I have some experience in programming the atmel Mega series of micro-controllers so it was pretty easy […]
Continue Reading Arduino Projects Have Slowed Me Down!
Tags: Arduino, Electronics, led, Light Art