GoPro Hero 2 Aerial R/C Videos

Hey I hope everyone has been having a good holiday season. I haven’t been posting much lately as I’ve been keeping pretty busy with work and playing Battlefield 3. I picked up a GoPro Hero 2 HD camera a couple of weeks ago and have been having some fun with it. I’ve been wanting one […]
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Tags: FPV, Helicopter, model aircraft, Photography, Plane, Radio Control, rc, Video
Neat Fair 2011 Photographs

I just got back from NEAT Fair 2011 and took quite a few photographs to share. Just as last years there were lots of great aircraft and pilots to be seen. I was only able to be there on Saturday but there was a lot going on. There were several FPV rigs setup on octo-copters, […]
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Tags: event, Helicopter, NEAT Fair 2011, Plane, Radio Control
Help Save Model Aviation from FAA Oversight
Over the past year the FAA has put together a rule making committee composed mostly of commercial UAV and sUAS operators to build new regulation for model aircraft. This committee only has one representative from the AMA and 10 from the commercial UAV and sUAS sectors and the rules they are creating are heavily damaging […]
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Tags: FPV, Helicopter, Plane, Radio Control, rc
NEAT Fair 2010 Photographs and Videos

There are quite a few photos that I’ve uploaded and they’re in the gallery below, just open them and use the left/right buttons at the bottom of the viewer pane to move between photos. There were a lot of great pilots at the NEAT fair and some really fun events as well. The helicopter section […]
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Tags: drone, FPV, Helicopter, Octacopter, Photography, Plane, Radio Control
Trying Out Some Low Cost Outrunner Brushless Motors from eBay

These outrunner brushless motors were shipped straight from China and took about two weeks to arrive and cost about $12 each shipped. Here are a couple of high resolution photos of these motors, they have a nice flat gold color to the ends and the bell is chromed a good overall appearance at first look. […]
Continue Reading Trying Out Some Low Cost Outrunner Brushless Motors from eBay
Tags: brushless motor, Helicopter, model, outrunner brushless motor, Plane, Radio Control, rc