Capitol Jets 2011 Albany, NY Photo Dump

I went to the Capitol Jet’s turbine fly-in today with my friend Ollie and Bryn and got some great photos and a bit of video of the jets. There are 50 photos below showing the quality of the craftsmanship and some of the cool models that were at this show. Please enjoy the photos. A […]
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Tags: model aircraft, rc, turbine jet
Inventor of Super Glue Passes Away
Harry Coover, Jr, the inventor of Super Glue passed away on March 26,2011 at the age of 94 years old. Coover had 460 patents and introduced over 320 new products for Kodak. If you have hobbies of your own that require you to build, assemble or attach things to each other you’ve probably used superglue […]
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Tags: model, Radio Control, rc
Help Save Model Aviation from FAA Oversight
Over the past year the FAA has put together a rule making committee composed mostly of commercial UAV and sUAS operators to build new regulation for model aircraft. This committee only has one representative from the AMA and 10 from the commercial UAV and sUAS sectors and the rules they are creating are heavily damaging […]
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Tags: FPV, Helicopter, Plane, Radio Control, rc
Ground and Aerial Videos from the Ace Mini-Titan 450

I attached my ‘pack of bubblegum’ sized spy cam to my Thunder Tiger Mini-Titan e325 today and shot some great video of Ollie’s Align Trex 450 in flight and also shot some in-flight videos as well. Ollie shot some HD ground video of my Mini Titan e325 using my Sony HD Camcorder while the spy […]
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Tags: ace, Aerial, camera, FPV, Helicopter, mini-titan, rc, Video
Analyzing Your Radio Controlled Helicopters Current Consumption

I’ve been flying quite a bit and not paying much attention to the load I’ve been putting on my speed controller. Today I plugged my CC50 ICE into the computer via the Castle Link to check out my last few flights on my Thunder Tiger Mini-Titan e325. I was quite surprised as most of my […]
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Tags: e325, Electronics, heli, Helicopter, mini-titan, Radio Control, rc