Trying Out Some Low Cost Outrunner Brushless Motors from eBay

These outrunner brushless motors were shipped straight from China and took about two weeks to arrive and cost about $12 each shipped. Here are a couple of high resolution photos of these motors, they have a nice flat gold color to the ends and the bell is chromed a good overall appearance at first look. […]
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Tags: brushless motor, Helicopter, model, outrunner brushless motor, Plane, Radio Control, rc
AR.Drone New Augmented Reality + FPV Combat Helicopter

Have you seen the Parrot AR.Drone Quadricopter ? The Parrot is an Augmented Reality + FPV combat product that is controlled via Wi-Fi from your iPod, iPad or iPhone touch. But they say they are working on support for other platforms, hopefully Android is in the list, and I bet it is. It’s bound to […]
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Tags: AR.Drone, drone, FPV, Helicopter, quadracopter, Radio Control, rc
Some Labor Day RC Flying

Some friends and I flew some RC aircraft to celebrate Labor Day. We had been out on Sunday and got some flying in too at our ‘south’ field with a few other friends, and this video is from up ‘north’ at our other field. On Monday my buddy Ollie and my buddy Bryn who we’re […]
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Tags: aircraft, airplanes, fly, heli, Helicopter, hobbies, model, rc
Spirit 100 Glider – First FPV Flights – OT’s Discus Launch Glider

I’ve been working on the Spirit 100 glider to convert it to an FPV platform for the last couple of weeks. Today I finally was able to get the plane up with the First Person View gear and the results were awesome. Having so much wing area is a huge bonus when flying FPV because […]
Continue Reading Spirit 100 Glider – First FPV Flights – OT’s Discus Launch Glider
Tags: Electronics, FPV, Plane, Radio Control, rc, Video
First Inverted Hover Attempts on My Thunder Tiger Mini-Titan Heli

Yesterday I began the process of learning to hover my RC helicopter inverted and made a video of the good parts of the 4 flights. I’ve been getting a lot more flying in lately with my Thunder Tiger Mini-Titan e325. About a month ago I was flying a bit late and lost orientation and crashed […]
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Tags: e325, Helicopter, Radio Control, rc, Video