Chair Cylinder Split Clamp – Functional 3D Printing

While 3D Printing is often used to make gadgets, gizmos and doodads to show off the functionality of the printer, it’s less often that 3D printers seem to get utilized for functional prints. These functional prints are objects which have a use beyond art or showing off. I’m going to try to keep a list […]
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Tags: 3D Printer, 3D Printing, Prusa, PrusaSlicer, Repair
Rebuild of a Powerstat 136-2 Dual Gang Autotransformer

I came across a Powerstat 136b dual gang autotransformer / variac the other day at the surplus shop. These are rated at 120V @ 22 Amps per section. It was in pretty sad shape and needed a lot of rework, but autotransformers are pretty handy pieces of equipment and it’s a real shame to leave […]
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Tags: Autotransformer, Electronics, Energy, high voltage, Powerstat, Repair, Transformer, Variac, Video