Building a 3D Printer for a Friend

Partway through building my own 3D Printer my friend Addidis no (Google+) expressed interest in having his own so I offered to put a hardware kit together for him as long as he covered the material costs and thus began the process of cloning my OB1.4 3D printer (designed by Wired1 on Thingiverse) in black […]
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Tags: 3D Printer, Anodizing, CNC, Custom Build, DIY, science, Technology, Video
DIY 3D Printer with OpenBeam

I’ve been tempted to build a 3D Printer for the last couple of years. I’ve followed their development on and on message boards and forums but never really liked the print quality and the ribbed, non-smooth appearance of the printed items. A few months ago I finally decide to try out the 3D Printing […]
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Tags: 3D Printer, ABS, Budaschnozzle, DIY, Electronics, PLA, science, Technology
TEC Cloud Chamber Project

I got it in my head that I wanted to build a TEC (thermo-electric cooler aka Peltier coolers) cooled cloud chamber. Cloud chambers allow you to view radioactive particles as they shoot through a supersaturated alcohol vapor. The radioactive particles act as nucleation points in the saturated atmosphere causing the vapor to condense into small […]
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Tags: Electronics, Energy, radiation, science
Arizona State Uni and NASA LROC – Great Photos

Humans can do pretty amazing things when it does not involve dealing with other human beings. For some reason we can go to the moon, send ships to mars and the moon, and we do it, for the most part, pretty darn well. If you want to feel good about being human, look at some […]
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Tags: Photography, science, Space