Radio Control Hangar 9 Twist 60 Construction and First Flight With Saito 1.15

Hobby Shops First at the top of the list is the Twist 60. I went to semi-local hobby shop in Massachusetts which is about an hour each way. I went for a mini-heli pitch gauge, but ended up buying a Hanagar 9 Twist 60 and a Saito 1.15 4-stroke nitro engine, whoops, on rare occasions […]
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Tags: Plane, Radio Control, rc, saito, sidewalk, stairs, twist 60
Reactor Biplane, Copper Vapor Laser and ‘The Sidewalk Project’

Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve updated the blog, sorry for the long delay I have been extremely busy with work and non computer related hobbies. It’s incredible how the time flies. We’ve been working on digging the trench for the sidewalk, the soil is tough to dig in and is taking some time, […]
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