First Inverted Hover Attempts on My Thunder Tiger Mini-Titan Heli

Yesterday I began the process of learning to hover my RC helicopter inverted and made a video of the good parts of the 4 flights. I’ve been getting a lot more flying in lately with my Thunder Tiger Mini-Titan e325. About a month ago I was flying a bit late and lost orientation and crashed […]
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Tags: e325, Helicopter, Radio Control, rc, Video
Luxeon Star V 5-Watt Royal Blue LED Video Demo

I’m a big fan of LED lighting which is why when I ordered a bunch of parts from SparkFun the other day I ordered a 5 watt Royal Blue LED by Luxeon. These 1 Watt Luxeon LEDs are discontinued and brighter stuff is available now. Up to 100 Watts or more! This LED is quite […]
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My Arduino AtmoLight/Ambilight Clone Project

I was researching a project online the other day when I came across a project on Blogspot about how to make your own Atmolight/Ambilight television type setup using an Arduino Duemilanove , a ShiftBrite Shield and ShiftBar modules from Macetech and some 12v LED RGB lighting strips. It was kind of amazing as I had […]
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Tags: Arduino, Electronics, Light Art, ShiftBrite, Video
Great Planes Spirit 100 Inch Glider With Power Pod

Well, the new glider destined for FPV (First Person View) flight is ready. I built a power-pod, and as you can see in the new video. The power-pod is based on the ElectriFly 35-36-1200kv Rimfire brushless motor that I had on the Great Planes Reactor Biplane. I built the power-pod out of some 3/8″ light […]
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Tags: FPV, Radio Control, rc, Video
FPV Plane Test 1 – Radio Controlled Catalina by Guan Li

I’ve been trying to find a plane to use for FPV R/C flying (First Person View) that is not among the ‘standards’ used by many people such as the Multiplex Twinstar or EasyStar. I have ordered ordered a few planes and I’ll cover them one by one as I get each one flyable and tested. […]
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